Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Memorable climbs

In 1981, I was 20 years old, and I gave my life (college, job, apartment) to travel. My father encouraged me, and he said that I wouldn't be likely ever again to have the unbounded time and the money to travel. Being 20 years old, I couldn't believe or grasp this, but I took his advice, which was to go until my money ran out. So of course, it was a memorable experience, traveling for three months wherever the rains led me. And I had a lot of rain.

My most memorable climb was in Harlech, Wales. I had developed a habit of pedaling up all the hills, resting when I needed but never walking. I remember on this hill, I had to stop and stand every few yards because it was so damned steep. Well, now I find out that Harlech has the steepest road in the world. I don't know if I took this exact route, but I did climb one of that town's steep roads.

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